Join the global network of parents and caregivers from the psychedelic movement!
Driven by the dream of collectively building a future in which all families are safe, welcome and integrated into the psychedelic space, Psychedelic Parenthood Community raises the voices of psychedelic parents and caregivers, fostering an inclusive community that embraces families of all kinds.
By creating a pioneering ecosystem focused on education and harm reduction, especially empowering social minorities, Psychedelic Parenthood Community aims to raise awareness of risks, enhance communication, stimulate scientific research and build a supportive network of parents and caregivers bonded by shared experiences.
We envision a world where being part of a psychedelic family is free of stigma; a psychedelic field in which marginalized families are welcome and safe; a psychedelic science which takes children and adolescents more seriously; a society where psychedelic caregivers are protected and can share their experiences with safety and freedom; and community education which honors Indigenous traditions and cosmovisions.